In the actual context of lack of respect of social dialogue and of the role of social partners, CGIL - amongst the many mobilization initiatives - started a campaign to collect signatures to table four abrogative referendums. The objective is to repeal 4 legal provisions that made the Italian labour market more insecure and precarious.
The campaign has been launched on April 25th, the national day commemorating liberation from fascism and we will have three months to collect more than 500,000 certified signatures to bring our proposals to a popular vote. The referendums will only be valid, if more than 50% +1 of voters turn out in the vote.
The four referendums will try to amend the following 4 legislation provisions:
- reinstatement of workers in the workplace in the event of unjustified dismissal.
- to abolish the six-month ceiling on compensation for dismissal, including in SMEs with less than 16 employees.
- to combat precariousness by abolishing the rules that liberalised short-term contracts.
- to re-establish full and several liability in subcontracting chains, especially in light of the increasing phenomenon of accidents at work.
Only though an unprecedented awareness raising campaign, the world of work and on workers’ rights will become central again in our society. We want to achieve and promote safe, stable, protected and decent work. Here is the link to our referendum campaign webpage where Italian citizens can also sign digitally.